Becoming YOU

India's biggest journal in its second avatar!

Journaling is a journey. A unique, rich, creative, and life-enriching journey. The “Becoming YOU” journal is sure to support you in having a meaningful journey into the pages of your journal. This path will take you into the wonder and mystery, and magnificence of your true SELF. - Lynda Monk, Director -

“Becoming YOU” is dedicated to the sound of a mountain stream which is nothing but the inner voice. When you focus on listening to the voice, everything else calms down. And, then, we can enter Zen too.

Part 2 of the complete journal set!
Get them all today!

Nishith Goyal is the creator of a unique self-development platform – “Be Better Bit-By-Bit.” Through this platform, he works with individuals and passes on the philosophy of “small and consistent” improvements. “Be Better Bit-By-Bit” aims to connect with individuals and help them discover their best selves.

He is a Chartered Accountant and works full-time for a large private sector bank based in Mumbai, India. Outside his professional duties, he spends a lot of time reading, writing, and journaling. Journal writing is one of the consistent ingredients of his morning routine. In addition to the self-discovery journal, he spends time with other genres of journal writing, viz, gratitude, morning pages, positive affirmation, ideas journal and dream journal.

Nishith is also an author, and his debut book - “Be Better Bit-By-Bit” and “My Daily 5-Minute Gratitude Journal", the first of a series of prompt-based journals, are available on Amazon. He is also a passionate runner, an ultra-Marathoner, and loves to go long distances. He considers running as ‘moving meditation.’

Nishith aims to pass on the “Small and Consistent Improvements” philosophy through his YouTube channel, Podcasts, and the “Be Better Bit-By-Bit” platform. He considers self-awareness, mindfulness, habit-building, and time management his primary skills.

When Nishith’s not busy developing the “Be Better Bit-By-Bit” community, he loves meditating and spending time with himself, practicing yoga, managing the small balcony full of lovely plants and flowers, and above all, nourishing himself through reading, self-reflection, and enjoying every moment of life in the company of family and friends.

Nishith stays in Mumbai with his wife and daughter. He is a native of the beautiful city of lakes, Udaipur.

You can catch him through various social media handles, or drop him a mail @ or visit