How to get published with Pirates?
The Pirates Imprint is a very reputed brand in publishing. Submit your manuscript to us and, once selected, we will do the rest.
A close group experience, with a lot of personal attention. You become a part of our Pirate family.
Trust us on design. We are really good at it
While, we do most of the hard work, we do it transparently and fairly.
Submit Your Manuscript Now

Step 1 : Email to
- Include in the email subject the Title of the book.
- Include in the body of the email (in this order):
- a logline (in not more than 40 words);
- a blurb (in not more than 200 words);
- the genre of your book and a couple of comparable books;
- a sales pitch (in note more than 200 words);
- your complete contact details in the signature (including mobile number)
- Attach your book's Synopsis (under 500 words in MS word file format only (.doc or .docx))
- Attach the first three Chapters of the Book (in MS word file format only (.doc or .docx))
Step 2
Automated Reply Confirmation
We send out an automated reply which confirmed your submission.

Step 3
Your manuscript now goes into the review process. With very selective and rigorously curated titles, we will make sure that the book is as desirable as it can be. We try and reply to most of the submissions but the sheer volume of submissions sometimes does not let us do so. Please feel free to proceed with your work after the lapse of a month of your submission. We shall reach out to you if we wish to publish the book.